Frequently Asked Questions
So you are needing some support with your little ones sleep, you want to overcome the challenges you are currently facing and you want to feel in control and to be living your best life!
Have a look through some of these frequently asked questions I receive.
What if it doesn't work?
It works! The only thing that may let you down is failure to consistently implement the strategies provided. If sickness, travel or other life events disrupt progress, you will still have the education and tools to get back on track when you are ready. If I see any reason to suggest your child may need a different type of expertise such as medical, I will disclose this upon receipt of your intake form.
How long will it take?
A behavioural intervention can resolve a baby or young child's sleep challenges in as little as 1-3 nights or it could take 4-6 weeks. Most families see a vast improvement within the first 7-10 days. There are a number of variables that can determine the speed of progress, particularly consistency and we will discuss this during our consultation to ensure you get the best results.
Will my baby cry?
All babies (and young children) cry. It is how they communicate. Anyone offering a no-cry sleep training is suggesting your baby stops communicating! We help you to read the cries and understand what the needs are and we offer suitable responses so you are never ignoring any cries.
What is your success rate?
100% of the families I work with achieve the results they are looking for when they commit to consistently implementing the strategies taught to them.
Do you guarantee results?
I provide a service that consists of information and support. I cannot control how that is used by the customer, therefore I cannot guarantee the customer's results. I can guarantee satisfaction with my assessment and consultation, after which the results are in the customer's hands.